Caregivers – Priority Home Health Always Delivering the Highest Priority of Care Wed, 07 Sep 2022 14:21:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Caregivers – Priority Home Health 32 32 4 Ways to Care for a Parent With Alzheimer’s Fri, 22 Jul 2022 08:31:00 +0000 Alzheimer’s disease comes with changing care needs for your loved one, and they’ll likely require a caregivers to help them with daily tasks. Here are a few guidelines to ensure your elderly relative’s needs are met and to keep them comfortable and happy.

What a Caregiver Can Do for a Parent With Alzheimer’s

1. Minimize Options

Make it easier for your parent to make decisions because they may feel overwhelmed by all the factors they need to consider. Streamline their wardrobe to a few coordinated outfits to help them select their clothes, and offer them two or three meal choices instead of asking what they want for dinner.

2. Make Their Days Predictable

People with Alzheimer’s benefit from a standard routine to guide them through the day. To create a schedule, set eating times for each meal, hygienic tasks, and recreational activities. Living life with a predictable rhythm will help them understand what’s going to happen and when.

3. Encourage Physical Activity

Due to changes in their memory and brain function, your parent will need encouragement to eat and exercise in a healthy way. Work with their doctor and any professional caregivers involved to create a balanced diet plan that takes their medical needs into account. You can also take them on daily walks to get fresh air and sun as well as mild exercise.

4. Use the Available Resources

There are many modern ways to make Alzheimer’s care easier. For example, several cellphones have GPS tracking, which can help you find your parent if they wander away. Lean on a smart device to announce their daily schedule and any upcoming calendar reminders. You can also look for professional caregivers to handle the cooking and other household chores so that your parent can rest and maintain their routine.

If you want professional help caring for your parent with Alzheimer’s, turn to Priority Home Health. This compassionate team has experience catering to elderly individuals with cognitive conditions, so they’ll know how to create a stable lifestyle that keeps your parent comfortable. Their care services are provided in homes, offering patients with familiarity and regularity. To get more information about how we can help, please give us a call (561)766-1954.

Managing Your Elderly Parent’s Medication Mon, 18 Jul 2022 15:01:00 +0000 It is estimated that as many as 50 percent of adults in America over the age of 65 are taking at least 5 medications at one time. This can make keeping track of daily doses challenging – especially for adults suffering from any form of cognitive impairment. If you parent or older relative is having trouble managing their daily medications, there are a few simple steps you can take to help them stay on track and prevent problems like missed medications and double doses. Here are a few tips for organizing your loved one’s prescriptions and medication schedule. 

Consult With Your Parent’s Doctor

Emergency room statistics show that approximately 15 percent of all visits to the ER are due to adverse drug reactions among older adults. Since many seniors visit more than one doctor, it’s important to ensure that there are no contraindication issues with medications. Accompany your parent to his or her doctor appointments to review the full list of medications that are currently being taken and make dosage adjustments, if necessary.

It’s also a good idea to ask each prescriber if there are ways to simplify her medication schedule. If, for example, your father is taking a certain medication four times a day, you may be able to change the prescription to a medication that only needs to be taken twice daily. When consulting with each doctor, be sure to mention any over-the-counter medications your parent is taking.

Track All Medications

After consulting with your parent’s medical team, take some time to make a complete list of all the medications that have been prescribed. The list should include information such as:

  • The name of the medication
  • The prescribed dosage
  • How and when the medication should be taken
  • Any special instructions (i.e., take before bed)
  • Possible side effects or contraindications

While you can use a pen and paper to track your parent’s medication, there are also many spreadsheets and templates available online to help you organize a medication list. Once you’ve made the list, make sure you always have a copy with you. You’ll also want to provide a copy of the list to any other caregivers in your parent’s life.

Consider Using a Medication Tracking App

If lists aren’t your thing, consider using a medication tracking app like Med-Helper or Medisafe Pill and Meds Reminder. These apps are designed to help patients stay on schedule with their medications and offer convenient features like medication logs, missed medication alerts, prescription refill reminders, and drug interaction warnings. Apps are also a good idea if you need to coordinate your parent’s care with other caregivers.

Keep Medications Properly Organized  

Most people store their medications in a bathroom medicine cabinet. This is not always the best solution, as the humidity from a shower can reduce the effectiveness of the medications. Instead, consider storing your parent’s medication in a place that’s cool, dry, and easily accessible – such as a kitchen counter. The exception to this is if any medications need to be refrigerated. In this case, make sure the medications are stored on an easy-to-reach shelf in your parent’s fridge. Another good way to keep medications organized and accessible is to purchase a pill organizer or timed medication dispenser. These items can be purchased in any pharmacy or through online retailers like Amazon. If you’ve decided to use a pill box, be sure to get one that your parent can open easily. It can also be helpful to use different pill boxes for medications that need to be taken at different times of the day.

Establish a Routine

When it comes to managing your parent’s medication, consistency is key. Your parent likely performs the same tasks at the same time every day, such as brushing teeth first thing in the morning or eating dinner at the same time every evening. Take your parent’s habits and schedule into account when deciding on the best times to administer his or her prescription medications. Establishing a routine will also help you and other family members stay on track with your parent’s medication and prevent double doses.

Managing your parent’s medication doesn’t have to be complicated, but it does require some forethought and planning. The above tips should help you stay on top of your parent’s prescriptions and ensure the safety of your loved one. If you need some medication reminders, our caregivers can help with personal care. Please call Priority Home Health at 561-766-1954.

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Can the Love Languages Make a Difference in Your Elder Care Journey? Wed, 22 Jun 2022 17:43:00 +0000

When you made the decision to step into the role of being a family caregiver for your aging loved ones, it was likely largely influenced by the fact that you love your parents and want them to be happy, healthy, and comfortable throughout their later years. Even if this was not the primary influence in starting your elder care relationship with them, you know the importance of showing love as part of the efforts that you put forth every day to meet their needs. As you are doing this, however, you may want to ask yourself if the love that you are showing to your parents is actually the love that they are feeling. No matter what stage you are in in your care journey, making sure that you are giving and receiving love effectively can make a dramatic difference in your relationship with your parents and in the success of your care efforts.

You may have heard of love languages and how they can impact your relationship with your partner, but these methods of showing and receiving love can just as easily be applied to any other loving relationship, including the one you have with your aging parents. By identifying the “love language” that your parents have as their primary and secondary means of receiving love you can ensure that the efforts you put forth to show them how much you love them are as successful as possible and that you can build a relationship of trust, love, and mutual respect that will improve the effects of your care efforts.

The basics of the love languages include:

  • Gifts

    This love language is all about feeling loved when receiving tokens of affection whether it is large gifts for holidays or just a bouquet of flowers in the middle of the week for no reason. If your seniors have this as their primary language, make it a point to bring them surprises such as their favorite beverages, flowers, or other little tokens regularly.

  • Words of affirmation

    Words of affirmation is literally about hearing that you are loved, appreciated, and needed. Take the time to tell your parents that you love them, that you enjoy being with them, that you appreciate everything that they have done for you, and that you are grateful for the care journey that you are on with them.

  • Physical touch

    Everyone needs some level of physical touch, but for some people, being touched by other people is the most important way that they receive a sense of love and appreciation. Make it a point throughout your day to give them hugs, pat them on the back, hold their hands, or simply sit close to them while you are watching television. Even little bits of contact are a constant reminder of your love.

  • Acts of service

    This is the language when “actions speak louder than words” comes into play. Rather than telling your parents that you love them, they need you to show this to them. Of course, as their family caregiver you are giving them acts of service every day in your elder care journey, but it is important that they see that you are doing these acts graciously and without complaint. 

  • Quality time

    You may be with your parents several times each week or even most of the day every day, but how often are you really spending quality time with them? Quality time is time spent not with the goal of completing a care task, but of bonding and connecting together. Schedule time each week just to spend time with your parents eating a meal, watching television, or going on an outing together.

Falls Prevention for Older Adults Mon, 18 Apr 2022 20:05:00 +0000 According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: One-fourth of Americans aged 65+ falls each year. Every 11 seconds, an older adult is treated in the emergency room for a fall; every 19 minutes, an older adult dies from a fall.

Fall prevention is one of the most overlooked risks or potential health hazards for seniors. Most of the time these falls come with limited risk, and even sometimes make for a great story. As we age however, our bones become more brittle, muscles heal slower, and bruising happens a lot easier. Having a fall later in life suddenly becomes a very serious health risk that can lead to broken bones, limited mobility and in some cases death. Priority Home Health takes these risks very seriously and has a dedicated fall prevention program that evaluates every day risks enabling our CNA’s and caregivers to provide the best possible support to keep our patients and your loved ones safe and on their feet.

Fall risk can come from both external and internal factors. External factors can include doorway thresholds, floor mats, wet surfaces, clutter, and low visibility. A lot of us have these ever day obstructions in our homes, but we don’t consider the risks they present to the health of an elderly person. Many seniors also have internal factors that contribute to a fall. Factors such as poor vision, low endurance, limited strength & mobility, and sometimes even conditions or diseases like Parkinson’s or MS. These internal factors combined with environments full of obstacles can really make it difficult for a senior to manage safely day to day. At Priority Home Health we identified risk factors be used for fall prevention care planning. Falling is not a normal part of aging. You can prevent falls by doing the right exercises, making your home safer, getting regular health checkups, and more.

Referrals can be made by doctor or family Fri, 08 Apr 2022 21:02:00 +0000 Referrals to Priority can be made by doctor, family members, friends, or the individual in need of services. Priority Home Health staff will work with benefit providers, hospital discharge planners, family and patients to arrange family-centered home health care services individualized to meet the patient’s specific needs.

Our goal is to visit your home within 48 hours of receiving the doctor’s order or your request for services. We never put you on a waiting list. When you call our office, you will speak with an office administrator to discuss the services you need, your schedule, if you have any preferences in your caregiver, and your insurance information or private pay.

During the initial visit in your home with a Register Nurse (RN), he or she will talk with you about your rights, treatment plan, what to do in case of an emergency, and answer any questions you may have. Once all of the paperwork is filled out, together we will discuss a schedule and then set up a time for a nurse or home health aide to meet you and receive training in the home. Once you are comfortable with an employee, they can begin working in your home. If there is ever a problem, please don’t hesitate to call us at 561-766-1954 and we will do everything we can to make it right.

Deciding Whether and How to Age In Place Fri, 23 Apr 2021 14:33:00 +0000 The best part of the art of living is to know how to grow old gracefully. “Eric Hoffer”

While aging is a part of life, the experience presents different joys and challenges. Some things get easier with the wisdom that comes with age, but other aspects of life become harder. Deciding how to face these difficulties involves making lifestyle choices, hopefully at a time when the matter is practical without being urgent. Many older adults wonder where best to live out their golden years. One option is to “age in place.” This phrase has come to mean planning, preparing, and adapting a home to make it a safe, healthy place to reside.

What are the Alternatives?

Just as it sounds, aging in place implies that an older adult will choose to remain in an independent, private residence, whether it’s a long-term home or a relocation. In contrast, a vast assortment of living arrangements is available, including retirement communities and assisted living. These locations were developed and built with the likely needs of aging adults in mind, so they offer amenities to the residents. From meals to entertainment, health care to accessible design elements, these places provide services, structure and community.

Why Age In Place?

The benefits to aging in place include the comfort of home, the familiarity of a long-term community, proximity to friends, family, and other support systems built during a lifetime. Moving can be disorienting and particularly difficult for older adults whose resilience is impacted by physical and mental health issues. In addition, the cost of relocation as well as the ongoing fees associated with aging adult facilities and communities can be prohibitive for some people.

What Does it Take to Age in Place?

Aging in place requires some adaptation to the realities of growing old. Most homes will require some renovation, which can be as simple as installing grab bars in the bathroom and rearranging cupboards so that frequently used items are easier to reach. Other alterations can be more substantial like widening doors, adding ramps or installing a full bath on the ground floor to allow for single floor living. Furniture can be rearranged to be easier to move around with a walker or other assistive device. In addition to these space transformations, aging in place involves some planning for existing or eventual needs:

  • Finding alternative transportation when driving becomes unwise
  • Getting help around the home with basic housekeeping, cooking, cleaning, and shopping
  • Tending to health and hygiene needs as these become harder to manage

Finally, isolation can be a real challenge for older adults. In the event of an emergency, a plan should be in place to contact help. Regular interaction is important for mental and emotional health as well as providing a second set of eyes to make sure that everything is safe and comfortable.

According the AARP, 70% of Americans 50+ would prefer to age in place. It may not be for everyone, but this increasingly popular option is feasible with some planning and help. Priority Home Health has some of the best experience caregivers that make aging in place both feasible and enjoyable for older adults in Palm Beach, Martin, St Lucie, Okeechobee and Indian River Counties.  We begin our relationship with our clients with a thorough assessment of their specific situation and needs, and we can offer custom solutions to allow them to continue to live at home. Contact us today for information about our FREE in home safety assessment at 561-766-1954.

How To Motivate Yourself to Achieve Your Goals Fri, 21 Apr 2017 14:40:17 +0000 Motivation is the desire to take action. Depending on our personalities, there are some activities that might seem more appealing than others. For this reason, it is important that we learn the different ways in which we can stay motivated to do the things we don’t feel like doing.

Once you find the motivation to perform a certain task, it will often be easier to finish it. For example, once you found the motivation and went to the gym, you’re more likely to perform your routine because you’re already there. Therefore, the key about motivation is to find the ways that make it easy for you to start. Following the gym example, a good tactic to motivate you to go to the gym could be to set up reminders on your phone.

One of, if not the best, ways to motivate yourself to achieve a goal is to write it down and schedule a time to work toward achieving it. For this reason, if your goal is to develop a healthy lifestyle, you should schedule at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week to exercise. The importance of scheduling is that because you are already establishing a time to work toward a certain goal, you are more prone to achieving it.

The beauty behind scheduling is that it will allow you to build a routine. There’s a famous saying that it only takes 21 days to build a habit. As a result, if you schedule 30 minutes of your day for 21 consecutive days to exercise, you will more likely build the habit of exercising, and after the 21st day, you’ll be able to exercise without feeling the struggle of having to motivate yourself.

Now that you’ve learned about scheduling and building a routine, it’s important that you learn about rewarding yourself. Every goal you achieve gets you closer to a better version of yourself, and that’s why motivating yourself is so important. After finishing your 150 minutes of exercise per week, go ahead and treat yourself with your favorite meal because you deserve it!

Finally, it is important to stay motivated for the long run. A good way of doing this is through quotes. We’ve gathered the 10 most motivational quotes, so you can feel energized to take action, today:

  1. Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.” —Vince Lombardi
  2. “Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it.” —Charles Swindoll
  3. “I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.”Jimmy Dean
  4. “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” —Theodore Roosevelt
  5. “Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.” —Les Brown
  6. “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover.” —Mark Twain
  7. “I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” —Michael Jordan
  8. “The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity.” —Amelia Earhart
  9. “The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.” —Ayn Rand
  10.  “I have learned over the years that when one’s mind is made up, this diminishes fear.” —Rosa Parks
Our Approach Fri, 21 Apr 2017 14:03:35 +0000

Every member of Priority Home Health family has made it their mission to put patients first, prioritizing the safety, security, and personal well-being of each and every patient in our care.
